Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Spanish in Argentina
Teaching Spanish in Argentina
Learning Spanish, or expanding your language knowledge in Argentina is highly recommendable. This country is regarded as having a long-standing teaching tradition during the decades in which the Argentine state was created, and once the civil wars had come to an end and the territory currently identifying our country had been consolidated. (1880-1900)
The endeavours intended to foster the learning of the Spanish language are contemporary to the widespread literacy process inspired by the Common Education Act N°1420, which was enacted in July 1884. Such act set forth that the primary school was compulsory, and required students to acquire a minimum knowledge and develop basic skills.
The above mentioned endeavors were not only targeted at school-aged children, but also at adults, some of whom had been involved in growing urbanization processes and were part of the immigration groups that began to arrive in our country in the 1880-1890 decade.
Such a process together with free-of-charge teaching programs and a widely-known hospitality tradition characterizing our people turned our country into an open society, which rapidly regarded the second generation of Asian and European (not having a Spanish descent) immigrants as hispanic speakers and it allowed the third generation to enter university.
Admission at Higher Education Institutions was followed by migratory movements led by neighboring countries students who therefore managed to have access to a qualified teaching system and to come back to their home country to be professionally engaged, in most of the cases, on an outstanding basis. Such a distinctive mark has been preserved until today and the Argentine state aims at extolling the trust placed upon its higher education institutions.
Read more on Ministerio de Educacion Argentina.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tango is a feeling
Much has been studied about its origin, and although historians and investigators have researched and have entered in heated discussions, the mystery of its origin remains unrevealed.
The word TANGO 's etymological definition has contradictions, some say it comes from African dialects, for example, "Tang" would mean "touch, get close to..", among the Bantus, there are two dialects, one "Tanga" and the other "Tangui". In Spanish, the word Tango is similar to the African "Tang" in its definition of the old Spanish word "Tangir" ot "Tañir", and in Latin "Tangere", meaning "Touch".
The slaves brought it to the River Plate from the "black" continent called their percussion instruments "Tangó", accenting the last syllable.The word Tango appears in the River Plate (Rio de la Plata) in the mid XVIIIth century, and was the name given to a House and Place of Tango, located on a lot belonging to the Concepción (neighborhood) Parish.
Read more on Buenos Aires Times.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Embassies List in BA
Consulado: Villanueva 1055
Horario de atención: Lunes a viernes de 8.30 a 11 hs
Fax: 4778-2550
Cancillería: Villanueva 1400
(1426) Cap. Fed.
4777-6580 al 85
Fax: 4772-3349
Cancillería: Tacuarí 147 Piso 6
(1071) Cap. Fed.
Fax: 4342-1697
Cancillería: Santa Fe 846 Piso 10
(1059) Cap. Fed.
4311-6491 al 95
Fax: 4313-2998
Cancillería: Ayacucho 1537
(1112) Cap. Fed.
Fax: 4801-1594
Cancillería: Av. Las Heras 1097
(1127) Cap. Fed.
Fax: 4807-3050
Cancillería: Virrey Loreto 2035
(1428) Cap. Fed.
Fax: 4784-4311
Cancillería: Av. Colombia 4300
(1425) Cap. Fed.
Cancillería: Cerrito 1399 (1010) Cap. Fed.
Fax: 4393-1235
Keeping Fit in Buenos Aires!
How to eat right, fit exercise into your day and avoid the foreigner 15
Arriving in Buenos Aires can be like arriving as a freshman to college. Promises of big parties, all night affairs and schmorgasborg-style eating that seem too good to be true eventually become reality. It’s all fun and games until somebody puts on 25 pounds. Here are a few ideas to help you enjoy Buenos Aires without needing to buy overpriced new jeans because you popped the zipper on your old ones.
How to eat cow and not look like one!
Buenos Aires cuisine is delicious, but really fattening. From steak with all the juicy fat attached to plump empanadas to salads made of mayonnaise and potatoes, it’s hard to stay trim while enjoying the local delicacies.
Here are 10 tips on how to eat and enjoy in Buenos Aires:
1. Order lean cuts of meat, such as bife de lomo, and avoid too much choripan (chorizo sandwiches). Yes, those are chunks of fat if you were trying to convince yourself otherwise.
2. When invited to an asado, bring vegetables that are tasty when grilled, such as pumpkin, corn, sweet potato and bell peppers.
3. When invited to an asado, bring a big salad with a homemade dressing.
4. Shop at organic markets to support small organic businesses and eat healthy! My favorite is the Galpon Organico located by the Subte B Federico Lacroze at 4171 Federico Lacroze Ave. (and Corrientes Ave.) Be sure to plan ahead, though, they’re open Wed. 9am-1pm and Sat. 9am-3pm
5. Don’t order pizza or empanadas to your house – just don’t make it an option. Don’t keep the magnets on your fridge, no matter how cute the delivery boy is. If you’re craving empanadas go to Cumaná, El Sanjuanino or 1810 Cocina Regional and make it worth it!
6. Share entrees when eating out. Buenos Aires restaurants are (in)famous for their big serving sizes.
7. When you need monedas (coins) to catch the bus, go to a fruit stand and buy a few apples or bananas instead of buying an alfajor cookie at a kiosko.
8. Drink mate! Enjoy this traditional tea drink that’s also a great digestivo!
9. Remember what dulce de leche is made of.
10. Order a café or cortado instead of café con leche (most cafes don’t have reduced fat milk)
Exercising porteño Style!
Porteños love to look good and stay fit. This is proven by a phenomenon I call “that hot chick turned around and she had the face of a 70-year-old.” You’ll be walking down the street and spot a trendy looking young girl from behind. She’s trim and has all the right accessories. She looks like she was born on a Stairmaster and has beautiful shiny hair. All of a sudden, girlfriend turns around. The combination of wrinkles and botox is shocking, but damn! She takes good care of her body. She fills me with hope for the future and a desire to work out.
The men and women of Buenos Aires are very concerned with their appearance, take pride in their bodies and thanks to them, Buenos Aires is full of gyms.
From mega-fashion Megatlon to the rinky-dink Average Joe’s style gym, everyone can find one that fits their style. My style was the overpriced Sport Club (190 pesos per month) until I decided I’d never achieve the buns of the girl with the steal tush implants, so now I’m heading to the dive gym on the corner (65 pesos a month). Most gyms that have a pool are slightly more expensive. Just splurge during summer months. Don’t pay for the pool access during winter, you won’t use it. Those looking JUST to use the pool can also sign up for exclusive pool use at many gyms.
Tip: Many big gyms have “promotional plans” where if you pay with a debit or credit card you have a reduced price. Any special like this has a catch, so always read your contract carefully. I learned this lesson when I signed up at Sport Club a few months ago. Instead of the regular 350 peso a month membership I signed up for the 190 peso a month deal. Soon I realized it wasn’t for me and when I went to quit, the manager said that my contact was for 12 months and to quit I’d have to pay 2-months worth of membership. Turns out, if you drag it out enough, use the word abogado (lawyer) and one other reasonable excuse they’ll waive the fee. This isn’t a country where taking someone to court is a solution, so don’t give up all your money at first. Quitting the gym shouldn’t be an express kidnapping.
Finish reading this usefull article on LandingPad BA.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Courtney: Conviven makes Buenos Aires feel like home
"At the time I had been living in
Read more volunteer's experiences on centroconviven.blogspot.com
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Environmental Crisis, Community Opportunity
There’s an algae-bloom crisis in Lago Atitlan – one that has affected over 40 countries besides Guatemala – and because people in this community bathe and wash clothing in the lake, it’s a crisis that intimately affects everyone.
The community is responding according to its understanding: huge groups are going into the lake to bail out the algae onto the shoreline; other groups (especially of women) meet to sing, pray and walk in the lake with a statue of the Virgin Mary. (I am surprised at how many people respond with a comment such as “God will take care of us” when I ask them what they think or what they are doing about the crisis.)
As phosphates are a major culprit, fortunately many people are also demanding an end to heavy fertilizer use in fields along the lake shore, and that a community pila, or washing place, be built in the center of town as well as along the lake shore. However, this doesn’t take care of the bathers, unless they put showers in, but I’ve never seen that in any community. It also doesn’t take care of people who depend on fishing. And, of course, the folks in this community who serve the tourists are worried; they have already been hurting due to the long rainy season. The community is also demanding a revitalization of the sewage treatment plant across the lake – destroyed by Hurricane Stan – and that new ones be built in all the communities.
As volunteers, we extranjeros walk a fine line. We are trying to be respectful of all these efforts, for each has its value; trying to impart what information we have, and offering to help in ways they are requesting (like money for buses to take community members to the capital to demand government response). Some extranjeros feel none of these efforts will be sufficient, insisting that the bloom is imminently dangerous and that even boiling or Clorox won’t kill the toxicity. But this is a difficult stance to take. We might have the choice to bathe in agua pura or construct a well, but the average Guatemalan family does not. As usual, delicacy and sensitivity, along with honest responses to close friends, is the rule.
Check out how to help on La Vida Idealist.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
J'apprends l'espagnol !
Ça suffit les folies. Je me mets sérieusement à l’étude de l’espagnol. Depuis le temps que je reporte ce projet aux calendes grecques !
Il faut dire que je m’obstinais à vouloir d’abord maîtriser le chinois (OK, « maîtriser » est peut-être un peu ambitieux… lol). Mais même après un an et demi d’immersion et environ trois mois de leçons intensives, je n’arrive toujours pas à soutenir une conversation dans la langue de Mao (par contre, si vous voyagez un jour avec moi en Chine, je pourrai vous éviter l'humiliation de devoir mimer une poule ou un poisson au resto pour vous nourrir !).
Comme j’ai besoin d’un coup de pied au bon endroit pour entreprendre un projet personnel de cette envergure, je m’en suis auto-infligé un en m’organisant un voyage éclair (cinq grosses journées !) à Buenos Aires. Je pars samedi. J’ai trouvé ce qui me semble être la meilleure manière de me faire entrer quelques notions de base dans le crâne : Bueno, entonces…
Ces 30 leçons d’espagnol peuvent être visionnées à l’aide d’un ordinateur, d’un Blackberry, d’un iPod ou d’un iPod Touch (c’est ce dernier que j’utilise – j’ai acheté les premiers épisodes sur iTunes à 2,99$ chacun plutôt que d’acheter le cours en entier). Des DVD sont également en vente.
La publicité présente Bueno, entonces... comme « the Grand Theft Auto of Spanish Classes ». Plus proche de la série pour ados que du cours magistral, on me promet même quelques gros mots ! Le ton des extraits visionnés me rappelle vaguement celui de L'Auberge espagnole (probablement à cause du personnage masculin, un Anglais qui a une certaine parenté avec William, incarné par Kevin Bishop). Les cours se déroulent toutefois dans la capitale de l'Argentine.
Je n'aurai probablement pas beaucoup de temps pour « étudier » avant mon départ, mais tant pis : les 17 h passées dans l'avion et à l'aéroport de Toronto seront bien rentabilisées ! Pas le choix : les travaux pratiques débuteront dès mon arrivée. Je vous en reparle…
P.S. : Au cas où mon cerveau afficherait les mêmes messages que mon ordinateur en ce moment (« mémoire pleine » !), j’ai aussi téléchargé deux applications de traduction… ;-)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Finding reasonably priced accommodation to rent will be relatively easy in Argentina depending on the area you are looking in. This section gives you information about the Argentinean housing market, as well as a wide range of tips and tricks for your housing search.
Latin America has a high percentage of its inhabitants living in big cities. Argentina is no exception to that. The downtown areas are mainly characterised by apartment buildings. When moving away from the centre a wider variety of housing is found. Argentina is an immigrant country which is clearly noted by the architecture of its housing. For example, in the outskirts of Buenos Aires you are likely to come across English style houses, whereas the downtown area resembles Italy and Spain. Near Cordoba and in Bariloche you will often have the feeling of being in Southern Germany or Switzerland.
Things to bear in mind on your search
Accommodation prices in Argentina are determined by the size and location. This holds for both renting and buying. Accommodation is measured in square meters. Furthermore, and this may come as shock to some, buying a house or apartment in Argentina means most of time that payment in cash is required. With the economy improving this is slowly changing again.
Another factor to bear in mind is that in Argentina apartment and houses are described by the number of rooms or ambientes. This includes the living room and the bedrooms. Take into account that there can be several living or sitting rooms in a house or apartment. Kitchen, bathrooms and toilets are not included in the room count.
Housing in Argentina is either let furnished or unfurnished. The availability of one or the other ranges from where you want to live. In a mayor city like Buenos Aires or Cordoba both furnished and unfurnished are readily available. In a smaller city like Comodoro Rividavia finding a furnished place will be very hard.
The Rental Market
For many foreigners coming to Argentina finding a place will not turn out to be that difficult since prices are still relatively low. Renting a place also means paperwork.
For Argentineans finding a place to rent is becoming increasingly difficult. Since many Argentineans are not in the position to buy property (anymore) the demand for places to rent is high. To get an idea of rental prices, in the most solicited neighbourhoods in Buenos Aires a two room apartment will have an average monthly rent of AR$ 900 in Recoleta whereas in Belgrano it will range from AR$ 550 to AR$ 2000 a month. In the popular neighbourhoods of Buenos Aires a small place to live will hardly be found below AR$400/month. (Source: ReporteInmobiliario.com).
A development that is taking place in the mayor tourist and business areas in Argentina is the increase in short term rentals aiming at foreigners. Places offered in neighbourhoods like Recoleta in Buenos Aires as well as apartments in places that receive many tourists like Bariloche and Villa Langustura, are offered fully furnished at prices lower than the better hotels. Many of these places can be booked online.
Supply and demand can also vary considerably in the course of the year, particularly in cities with a large student population such as Cordoba and Buenos Aires. At the beginning of the academic semesters, which is around February/March and August/September demand tends to be high.
Read mlore on this on Allo' Expat Argentina.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
What could you do at Conviven? Volunteering Programs
What can you do at Conviven?
Centro Conviven is a place in constant development. There are different options and activities one can do while working with us.
Teach English
If you wish to teach English, we have a steady Teach English Programme, taking place every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
But not only – there’s also a constant lack of private teachers who would have private language classes during other week-days.
Teach math or help children with their homework
Children who come to Conviven have difficulties with learning and understanding. Therefore you could also help them understand math. We urgently need a new teacher since the volunteer who did that left recently.
Learn more about these programs on centroconviven.blogspot
Friday, December 11, 2009
Volunteering Programs on Help Argentina
Our Program
InsightArgentina is the volunteer program of HelpArgentina. InsightArgentina facilitates the link between international volunteers and a diverse group of Argentine non-profit organizations. Through this program, we promote the development and growth of a community that is committed to the Argentine social sector.
By customizing every volunteer placement, we provide impactful and enlightening experiences to those who seek to explore
Volunteering in Argentina !
"Before coming to
Volunteer placements are for those who want to work with a non-profit organization. InsightArgentina's expansive network of non-profit organizations enables volunteers to indicate their preferences regarding their experience.
Previous volunteer tasks have ranged from teaching English and organizing recreational activities at local community centers to youth outreach, fundraising, or working on marketing and communication strategies for the host organization.
Volunteers must be over eighteen years of age, stay for a minimum of one month, and have a basic knowledge of Spanish.
Interested applicants are required to fill out an application form and submit a resume prior to acceptance into the program. We will take your language ability, length of desired placement, career goals, work experience, and coursework into account when considering your placement. This allows us to find the best fit for you based on your interests and the needs of the host-organization.
For more info, go to Help Argentina.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Argentina national football team
Keep reading about Argentina's football league on Wikipedia.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Volunteer at Daycare Project - Volunteer with disadvantaged children
Fundacion AFOS - Argentina
Fundación AFOS (Assistance for the Fortification of Social Organizations) provides free management and structural assistance to support small and mid-sized non-profits (NGOs) in Argentina. In addition to lacking operational expertise, these local NGOs are also generally in desperate need of capable and committed volunteers an interns not only to work directly in their programs but also to help them become stronger, more sustainable and better able to serve their communi...ties. To help these local NGO’s fill this gap we recruit international volunteers and interns and matches them to a program that interests them and where their knowledge and skills can provide the maximum positive impact.Keep reading on Worldwide Helpers.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Volunteer in a Human Rights organization H.I.J.O.S.
Role of the volunteer • Survey information from different sources, newspapers, books, documents, manuscripts, etc., and systematization of such information in the framework of research related to Human Rights in Argentina and particularly in Cordoba.
• Collaborate in spreading activities related to Argentinean Human Rights issues in European countries.
• Collaborate in fundraising activities.
Read more on Worldwide Helpers.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Bueno, entonces review on Facebook
Bueno, entonces... is the best Spanish language class I've ever taken. It's engaging, lighthearted and cleverly witty style captured my attention and didn't let go.
By Martin76
Check out more reviews on facebook.com/buenoentonces
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Bueno, entonces Formula: Engaging + Interesting + Funny = Retention
1. Make The Classes Interesting & Engaging
Engaging students is crucial to learning and remembering material. Using wit and charm, Bueno, entonces… not only engages; it keeps you thinking about the last lesson and looking forward to the next one. Like your favorite teachers, David & Jimena know learning doesn’t have to be dry and boring.
2. See The Words As You Hear Them
Some people are audio learners, others learn visually – most people need both, absorbing different concepts in different ways. With Bueno, entonces... every word is on-screen so you see the spelling while hearing it pronounced.
3. Color-Coding.
Words on-screen are color-coded in Spanish and English to help you understand word usage and sentence structure. You’ll quickly see, hear, and understand how words in Spanish correspond with English ones, and how they are used in sentences.
4. Symbols & Illustrations.
Verb tenses and grammatical concepts are represented by clear symbols so you quickly learn and understand their usage. Iconic illustrations easily associate images and words, burning vocabulary into your brain.
5. REPETITION - The Key To Languages.
Any teacher will tell you this, and here’s the problem with old audio books and language software – they’re mind-numbingly boring, making them painful to repeat. Bueno, entonces… is engaging, fast-paced, and fun. You’ll repeat all 30 classes over and over, learning more each time – as your Spanish progresses, you pick up more of the humor, making it easier to repeat.
To get more info, go to General Linguistics.
Book Review: ‘Che Boludo: A Gringo’s Guide to Understanding the Argentines’
By James Bracken, Ediciones Continente, 30 pesos, 61 pages Reviewed by Stephen Page
On a recent sunny spring day, while wandering the streets of Buenos Aires, searching for a café where I could sit outside at a table and sip an espresso while looking at the passers-by (a popular Argentine custom), I detoured into a bookstore.
On the very first shelf I came to, I found a pocket-sized book titled Che Boludo, with the subtitle: A Gringo’s Guide to Understanding the Argentines.
I opened the book and discovered it was a dictionary of sorts, filled with words I had never read before. The words were contemporary Argentine slang, and the definitions were in English. “What a great find,” I thought.
After a decade of living in Argentina, I have been missing some of the slang while talking with friends, or at Sunday family get-togethers (they don’t teach Argentine slang at US universities, or in most of the Castellano classes offered in Buenos Aires). I was growing tired of repeatedly asking, “What? What does that mean?”
The title of the book translates to, “Hey Idiot!” or “Hey Buddy!” or “Hey Friend!”—depending on to whom you’re talking and your tone of voice. “Boludo” literally means “one with big testicles,’which does not mean “ballsy” or “brave,” but instead denotes a lack of cerebral functions. In Argentina, the young as well as the old use slang. You might hear an elderly man with a cane standing on the street corner waiting for the green crossing light mutter “¡miercoles!”—which translates to “shit” or “Goddamnit” or “hell”; you might hear a sophisticated woman in a fur coat call her husband’s new secretary a “puta” (whore) or a “babosa” (horny woman) even if she knows bystanders are listening to her; you might hear a teenager say to his brother, “No me hinchés las pelotas,” which means, connotatively, “don’t be a pain”—but denotatively means, well . . . you’ll have to read the book to know that one.
The book also contains drawings of the more popular hand gestures Porteños use—gestures that have risqué yet non-offensive meanings.
To read more go to The Argentine Post
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Music to help you Learn Spanish - Pasos de Gigante (Bacilos)
Check out more videos to learn Spanish on Youtube.
Learn spanish with Bueno, entonces on Facebook
Check out the Bueno, entonces... fan page on Facebook and learn new words, insults, piropos... and anything you need to speak Spanish conversationally!!!
Become a fan and enter to win cool prizes every week (see contest rules in notes section)!
A new way to learn Spanish - developed specifically for the iPhone and iPod Touch and now available on DVD or by instant download (visit www.buenoentonces.com to purchase). This new technique combines hard-core grammar and vocabulary lessons with a witty and engaging conversational style.
Become a fan on Facebook.com/buenoentonces
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Andes Air - Cheap Flights
I flew Andes Air during the July vacation period when I had family in town. We flew from Buenos Aires to Salta during the high-season and paid around 800 pesos round trip which was a significant savings from other airlines. (FYI: Taking the 22 hour bus was about 650 pesos round trip.)
Andes serves the Northwest Region, Iguazú and Puerto Madryn. I was initially pretty nervous to fly an airline that I had never heard of before, but after talking to a travel agent friend they assured me that it is a legit company.
Although their website is pretty terrible and they sometimes don´t answer their phone (oh Argentina!) I am satisfied with the service. The plane was much bigger than expected -- 3 seats on each side of plane!
Even better is that they did not charge a different price for foreigners, it was all the same fare! If you travel in low season they had some excellent promotions as well.
Here´s the link: http://www.andesonline.com/
I would recommend going to the agency in person to book the tickets. It is located on Córdoba 755.
To read more go to budgetba.blogspot
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Day 3 in Buenos Aires
I’ve had an AHA moment today. My teacher is very cute. His name is Martin and he’s 're-argentino'. That means REALLY Argentino in Argentino. He spent a year in Ireland teaching Spanish last year and he missed Buenos Aires a lot.. We talk a lot about Argentina and about the culture, about the crazy chaos of it all, the subversive attitude of the Argentines towards politics, finance, all that jazz. The Bulgarian likes to talk a lot about the Argentine girls, I don’t blame him. They mainly have very very long hair and are very pretty.
Martin says Bien, Entonces.. a lot. Or Muy Bien, entonces... I ask him why doesn’t he say Bueno, entonces (like the name of the course of course) and he explains that “Bueno,” often is something you say when you’ve had a enough of talking, or have had enough of talking about a particular subject. He explains that when somebody starts going, bueno bueno bueno on the phone, basically they are telling you that the conversation is over and they’ve had enough.
Now I get it! That's why Jimena always says "Bueno, entonces..." Because she often has enough of David!
Get to know more Vibe's experience on beadventuresinba.blogspot
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Volunteer in Argentina with Gateway Argentina
About HelpArgentina:
HelpArgentina is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to strengthen Argentine civil society through the mobilization of donors and volunteers and the promotion of the best practices. HelpArgentina´s vision is of a competitive, trustworthy and globally financed Argentine social sector. It offers the international community a secure channel to support a network of organizations selected according to social impact, accountability and best practices. HelpArgentina is able to accomplish this mission of promoting social development in Argentina with the generosity and hard work of capable volunteers. Volunteers are placed among one of the 52 organizations represented by HelpArgentina.
How it Works:
Upon receiving confirmation of your interest in volunteering in Buenos Aires you will be sent a volunteer questionnaire. Once the questionnaire is returned to Gateway Argentina we will forward it to our representative at HelpArgentina. By providing us with this questionnaire HelpArgentina is able to outline possible placements for you prior to your arrival and orientation with the social sector experts at HelpArgentina. Once you arrive you will receive a placement orientation with HelpArgentina's volunteer coordinators. Upon completion of your orientation, you will be accompanied to your placement where you will meet fellow volunteers and staff. HelpArgentina volunteer coordinators will be available throughout the duration to assist you with any problems or concerns that way arise.
Read more about these programs on Gateway Argentina.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
This is the Northwest of Argentina.
Go to Youtube to find more videos about Argentina.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Medicine in Argentina with Projects Abroad
Projects Abroad offers volunteer Medicine & Healthcare work-experience placements in Argentina, in Medicine, Physiotherapy, Nursing & Midwifery, Occupational Therapy and Electives. Placements are for anyone volunteering abroad on a gap year or career break, or a training or qualified doctor, physiotherapist, nurse or midwife.
Volunteering on a Medicine & Healthcare project in Argentina can be done as part of a gap year, a career-break, or during a short break in your studies. As a Medicine & Healthcare volunteer you will gain a great deal of valuable work-experience alongside some of the most skilled doctors in the country. While the shell of some hospital buildings may look slightly neglected, the facilities within and the healthcare provided are generally of a decent standard, on a par with many hospitals in the west.
Our Medicine & Healthcare volunteers work in rotation at different hospitals in and around Villa Allende, enabling them to have a broad and varied experience of different medicine and healthcare departments. You will have the opportunity to experience medical procedures in both the over-burdened multi-disciplinary government hospitals, and the smaller Dispensarios that operate on certain days each in more rural communities. Within the hospitals you will be given the chance to shadow doctors and nurses, help to take patient histories, observe surgery, attend medical lectures with medical students, and perhaps even perform basic medicine and healthcare procedures. In the community you could find yourself giving a child a general health check, assisting in the provision of vaccinations, and giving advice on nutrition or pregnancy prevention for example.
An intermediate level of Spanish is required for this placement to ensure that you can interact fully with both the local staff and the patients. Volunteers should also be of smart appearance.
Volunteer Dentistry in Argentina
Volunteers who wish to work in the field of dentistry can gain superb work experience in Villa Allende Hospital, located in the beautiful Sierras Chicas not far from where our office is based. As one of the largest government run hospitals in this area, you will be learning from staff who are very experienced at providing all aspects of dental healthcare to people who travel here from the surrounding regions. If you wish to have a broader Medicine & Healthcare experience, both hospitals have many other areas, besides dentistry, for you to work in.
Volunteer Occupational Therapy in Argentina
As a training or qualified Occupational Therapy volunteer in Argentina, you'll be placed in one of a number of institutions for people who are mentally and physically disabled. While residents receive the necessary physiotherapy care, staff are limited in number and don't have enough time to spend one-to-one with these individuals. By coming into the home and using your skills to assess and treat the wide variety of physical and psychiatric conditions you come across, you can help these people to find purposeful activities they can participate in, and help to promote independent function in aspects of their life for what may be the first time since they moved there.
Finish the article on Volunteer Abroad.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Volunteer Building Brigade Reel
Look for more videos on Youtube.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
BA Basics: Conversions: Weight, Temperature, and Seasonal Climate Changes
One of the joys of adjusting from life in the US to life here in Buenos Aires is learning how to convert our screwy imperial units of measure (pounds, degrees Fahrenheit, feet and miles) into those handy metric units (grams, kilograms, degrees Celsius, meters and kilometers). Since at first this task can be just a bit perplexing, here are a few quick hints to making these adjustments yourself:
Weight (1 pound = 450 grams)
You will most frequently need to be familiar with the conversion between pounds and grams while visiting your local fiambrería (deli meat seller), carnicería (butcher) or verdulería (vegetable seller). Ordering meats and vegetables are the easiest, as you can just request “dos pechugas” (two chicken breasts), or “tres zanahorias” (three carrots), and be on your merry way. Ordering deli meat is a little trickier, however, as the density of the meats varies by type. As a rule of thumb, I typically buy 100 grams of dense salted meats, such as salami, but opt for 200 grams when ordering the more common sandwich companions, including cheese, ham or turkey. These portions are just right, as they are enough to sustain me through several lunches, but won’t last too long and go feo.
Weight (1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds)
When I moved into my first apartment here in Buenos Aires, I was also pleasantly surprised to see a scale in the bathroom. Only problem? It weighed me in kilograms. If you are watching your weight while you’re here, this simple conversion is handy to keep in the back of your mind.
Temperature (°C = (°F -32) x 5/9)
The conversion between degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit is not only the measure that you will most frequently encounter, but also the one that can be the most perplexing. As you can see, the formula for making this conversion is a doozy!
Thanks to a dear Argentine friend that I met while still in the US, I now know a simpler way to get a ballpark figure for the conversion: just take the temperature in Celsius, double it, and add 30. This figure will always be slightly off from the exact temperature reading, but it works in a pinch.
Weather, Seasons and Average Temperatures
If you don’t already know, the seasons south of the equator are the opposite of those to the north. That means, that when it is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is winter in the south, and vice versa.
Read the rest of the article on LandingPad BA.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Bueno, entonces... Spanish Class 1 video
Watch more and learn Spanish at the same time on Youtube.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Maradona by Kusturica (movie)
Read more on IMDb.
University of Virginia Springbreakers build in Argentina
During the first week of March 2008, 11 Springbreakers from the University of Virginia, USA, descended on Buenos Aires and HelpArgentina to work with a member organization, Sagrada Familia (Sacred Family), to build "two new additions" to the small homes of two distinct families' in the greater Buenos Aires region.
Arriving in Argentina on a Friday, these eager college students participated in an orientation with HelpArgentina before heading the following Monday to begin work in a small, rural, and very low income neighborhood in Tigre, a community that attracts many tourists for its proximity to a delta of the river Parana.
The project was slow at the start, but as the week progressed, the students and a routine developed they got to know the community and the families whose homes they were renovating. I visited the group on their last day. To say the least it was a very inspiring day.
Arriving after about an hour and a half of commute, I reached the volunteers who were working laboriously on the two different projects. One of the projects was to build the basic structure of a separate "one room" home on the property of a big family of at least 8. By the end of the day, the skeleton of the home was completed, the floor boards were laid, and the roof and walls were constructed. (The final product was to be completed by Horacio Fish, the on-site leader and carpenter from Sagrada Familia).
The other project was an addition to the home of a single mom and her two young children. The group finished the general structure and laid the the floor boards as well as the sun went down that Friday afternoon. This addition would be a new kitchen for the family, a well-needed expansion to her humble home.
To finish reading, go to Volunteer Life in Argentina.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
U2 to Play Buenos Aires in November, 2010?
U2 fans across
While there has been no official confirmation from the band about any South American tour plans, the Brazilian newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo reported last week that U2 will play
According to the report, U2 will do three shows three show in Sao Paolo and one in
In other U2 news, in case you haven’t caught U2 ’s spectacular 3D concert movie, you can see it in
Check out more news on The Argentine Post.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Animal Rehabilitation Work in Posadas, Argentina
Argentina may not be the first country that springs to mind when you think of South American wildlife havens, but it actually boasts larger natural contrasts than any of its neighbours; the frozen landscapes of Patagonia to the south and tropical northern heat create a perfect recipe for a diverse natural world. El Puma Ecological Park in Argentina's laid back provincial capital brings you face to face with the results as it nurses sick and injured animals back to health before releasing them back in to the wild. The project also runs a breeding programme to increase animal numbers so there's a lot to keep you busy, before you head off to discover the rest of the continent's hottest destination.
*Project details:
El Puma Ecological Park is an animal breeding and rehabilitation center near Posadas that aims to promote the welfare of wild animals that are native to Argentina. Their objectives are to help sick or injured animals that have been captured by forest rangers by nursing them back to health and to raise the numbers of native species by breeding them while in captivity. The animals are rehabilitated at the center and then once ready released back to their natural habitat, if possible. Animals include monkeys, birds, wild swine, jaguars, toucans, and other native animals. El Puma works with the Ministry of Ecology of that province and depends on them for funding.
*Why the project needs volunteers:
Due to the lack of financial resources, the expertise and funding provided by private groups and international conservation agencies is essential to supplement what the Ministry of Ecology provides. This centre needs assistance in taking care of the animals, and volunteers will make up a substantial proportion of the labour force. It is also important to help highlight the importance of protecting Argentina's wildlife, which has long been victim to trafficking.
* Helping to look after some of Argentina's indigenous wildlife
* Soaking up the culture and lifestyle of this laid back small city
* Sampling Mate - one of Argentina's most popular drinks
El Puma is located in the small town of Candelaria, located on the Rio Parana. Candelaria is known for its mystical Jesuit ruins, eucalyptus and pine plantations, and is the location of a lovely park that has a waterfall, canyon, and campsites.
You will be staying in a homestays located in nearby Posadas, a lively city of 250,000 and travel to your placement each day. Posadas boasts interesting markets, friendly cafes, cinemas and museums, and there will be plenty to do on the weekends.
Qualifications: What kind of skills you need to go on this type of project:
The biggest requirement for this project is a strong love of all animals, as well as the readiness to be involved with the more basic duties that will be required. Volunteers should be committed and willing to help out wherever needed as the work is hard and can involve long hours. A love of the outdoors is also essential. As the staff at the project do not speak any English and so volunteers should ideally have a basic conversational level of Spanish or take lessons before arriving into the country and be willing to work on this while at the project. It is suggested that you take the add-on lessons offered when arriving into Posadas, ask your desk officer for more details.
Your role as a volunteer:
Current duties may include feeding the animals, cleaning and repairing all animal enclosures, building new enclosures, giving guided tours of the centre to any English speaking visitors, observation and data collection of the animals for research. You may also travel around the province with the staff who look for injured animals. It is strongly recommended that volunteers speak at least basic Spanish for this project.
Read more on Volunteer Abroad.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Large media conglomerates have emerged. Public broadcasting plays a minor role. Television is the dominant medium. The main national free-to-air networks -
Argentine readers are among
Media freedom is guaranteed by the constitution. However, Reporters Without Borders maintained in 2008 that "direct attacks on the media and obstacles to press freedom... remained high". It said former President Nestor Kirchner had shown "great hostility" to the media - and particularly the conservative
By December 2008,
The press
· Clarín - popular daily
· Crónica - tabloid daily
· El Cronista - business
· Pagina 12 - left-wing daily
· Buenos Aires Herald - English-language daily
· Telefe (Canal 11) - leading national network, operated by Grupo Telefe
· Canal 13 (El Trece) - leading national network, operated by Grupo Clarin
· Canal 9 - popular national network
· America (Canal 2) - popular network
· Todo Noticias - cable/satellite news channel owned by Grupo Clarin
· Canal 7 - state-run cultural, educational network
· Radio Mitre - private, speech-based, operated by Grupo Clarin
· Radio Nacional - state-run, cultural
· Radio America - private, news
· Radio Continental - private AM (mediumwave) speech-based network
· Los 40 Principales - private FM music network
News agencies
· Diarios y Noticias (DYN) - partly owned by Grupo Clarin
· TELAM - state-run
· Noticias